Welcome to ABM Training UK Ltd. We deliver a wide range of training apprenticeship services for employers in health and adult care, residential childcare, early years, education, customer service, business administration and leadership and management.
ABM Training is focussed on personal and career development and we skill employees in a wide range of job roles using the apprenticeship levy to fund your L&D. Apprentices often stay with ABM Training as they progress through their first job through to extended careers in leadership and management through our Level 4 or Level 5 Management apprenticeships.
Watch our 2 min “all about ABM” video here.
Scroll down to read about our services to employers:
Five great reasons to book your training with ABM !
Apprenticeship Services for Employers | Great Track Record !
ABM Training UK Ltd has been providing apprenticeship services for employers in the Care, Early Years and and Education Sectors for 13 years. During this time thousands of ABM graduates have built and improved their skills whilst acquiring nationally recognised, and mandatory, qualifications. We work with employers to ensure that our curriculum is fit for purpose and delivers employee performance improvements. We cover:
- Diploma qualifications verified by NCFE, Pearson and Skills First
- Mandatory CQC Training
- Mandatory OFSTED Training
- 13 different Apprenticeship Standards
Watch our 2 minute “all about ABM’ video to learn more about us and our services
OFSTED say we are a GOOD provider …
ABM Training UK Ltd was inspected by OFSTED in September 2022 and was awarded the coveted ‘GOOD’ grade for each inspection theme: overall effectiveness; quality of learning; leadership and management; behaviours and attitudes; personal development and apprenticeship services for employers. OFSTED said:
“Apprentices make good progress and achieve merit or distinction grades, and some gain promotion at work”
“Apprentices develop professional behaviours, confidence and resilience quickly. As a result, apprentices quickly understand and demonstrate the importance of responsibility for themselves and those in their care”
There’s plenty more great feedback in the full OFSTED report but you can be assured that placing your training with ABM Training Uk Ltd will have positive impact on the ability of your staff to do a better job.
Apprenticeship Services for Employers | We Train and RECRUIT !
Many of our clients ask us to up-skill their existing clients. Our funding through the Apprenticeship Levy is really well used in that context. But we now that many employers also use the apprenticeships scheme to bring on new staff and we’re able to help there too with our apprenticeship recruitment service. If you have a job vacancy then we can help with:
- Candidate attraction and shortlisting
- Shortlisting and interview preparation
- Skills scans
- Onboarding to an apprenticeship scheme
- Learning reviews and probations
Get in touch using the form below or email Gilly for more support. We are specialists in the Care, Early Years and Education Sectors.
Your Costs are Covered!
ABM Training UK Ltd is fully recognised and endorsed by the Education and Skills Funding Agency and listed on the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP). Look us up using our UKPRN: 10029426. `
Because we are a recognised apprenticeship provider we can work with you to fund your training through the Apprenticeship Levy scheme. If you are a levy payer you will be able to access up to £8000 to support each apprentice training at ABM. If you are not a levy employer you still get a great deal because your own costs are capped at just 5% of the total cost of the training. We support you to get all this set up and can manage your apprenticeship accounts for you. It can be a bit complicated but our job is to make it easy !
Apprenticeship Services for Employers | Really Flexible Training
We’ve completely re-designed our curriculum and how we deliver it. We offer a unique mix of blended learning organised into a simple to follow sequence of activities. It’s flexible, fun, tailor made to meet the needs of you as the employers as well as the needs of your employee. It’s future proofed against future pandemics… 85% of our apprentices achieved Merits or Distinction grades despite Covid 19. Each of our learning programmes includes:
- Pre entry onboarding and skills assessments
- 1-2-1 coaching
- Virtual classrooms and masterclasses
- E-learning with continual assessment
- Work-based observations and assessments
- Stretch and Challenge tasks and assignments
Try a sample e-leaning module about mentoring and supporting Apprentices here
Book a call to find out more …
OFSTED Feedback
ABM Training were inspected by OFSTED in September 2022. Here’s some of the feedback from their published report:
We’re adding new apprenticeship programmes throughout 2021 as we work with more and more apprenticeship employers. Book mark our page to keep up to date.
Interested in seeing a bit more of what we do ? Try our Apprenticetv channels to experience unique ABM online and video learning resources or call us on 01634 799950.